Monkey Business
Update site
Feb. 5, 2010
Today I mvoed over this part of my website to use my new scripts that will automatically generate the common parts of each page. This should hopefully make it easier to keep things up to date in the future.
Not much progress to report on Monkey Island: Allen Center unfortunately. Maybe when I retire...ha.
Site Created
Dec. 29, 2005
Today I completed the initial version of this website. This is where all future updates regarding Monkey Island: Allen Center will be posted. This is a pet project
that I start about a year ago to replicate the player experience and fun that resulted from playing the Monkey Island video games as a kid. This parody of the game
takes place in the University of Washington's Deparment of Computer Science and Engineering (building name: The Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science and
Engineering...or Allen Center, for short).
Working on Graphics
Dec. 27, 2005
I have been working on graphics for the site all day. I have most of the character biographies written and am working on making the framework for the site look some
what professional.